Monday, December 31, 2007

betterworld books

enviromentalist are hunting us down, whining their sayings about think green. and they're right, but still. which brings us to today's all important writing message. don't overdo the message. because readers don't seem to like hearing the same message, so don't overdo the message.
better world books is not only good for the enviorment, they are cheap. as in cchhe-e-e-appppp. or something like that. and they have these nice reviews. okay, some of the reviews are bad. which is good. why read the reviews, even if you don't have the money to buy every book your papery heart cries for?
because we learn the biggest complaint is the same complaint.
don't overdo the message. think you got it yet?
read the reviews, drool over the wide selection, cry over your drooping bank account. reading habits for bookworms can be very expensive. sob. sob.
reading the reviews has been very good for writing, or maybe just made me nervous. because readers don't like hearing the same message over and over again.
a running gag is one thing, but most of these authors are serious.
and if you check them out, you see some people love the book, and one or two don't. so i guess an author shouldn't expect everyone to love their book, especially if you overdo the message. ha ha. are we sick of the running gag yet? i got that advice on a short story, and the editor was right, i did repeat the main theme just a bit too much. and from the many reviews, it is a common, though deadly, mistake. ah, but live and learn, especially when someone else pays the price for the mistakes.
don't overdo the message.
thank you better world books. hope you enjoy my money, you cheap book sellers. god knows i would if it was still in my bank account.

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