Thursday, October 2, 2008

i just finished reading jim c hines goblin series. very funny, truly a great writer. i want to write just like him. with one problem.
well okay, several.
first, he wrote his book, actually finished at least a fifty thousand word novel, instead of playing computer games all day. oops.
two, though we are both funny writers, his work is smooth, and talented. again, must be that practice thing, the sitting down and writing.
and third, he is published, and i heard back from ellora's cave. it's a no go.
the books are well worth reading, even if they are so good you don't have time to write your own. the first was goblin quest, then goblin hero, then goblin war.
yep, ellora's cave said no, they liked it, but not quite their style. too true, they didn't have many superhero bopoks, but they pop up in unexpected places. well worth trying.
so, i mightchange the name of the character, work on it a bit, then resend.
i did not finish the sci fi comedy. for those of you who read the blog, it's not surprising.
the darn thing has been hanging over my head for a while, i don't know why. i need to get off my lazy butt and finish it, before i become too distracted by other plots. like the one i had last night. i should get to work.
writing tip for erotica writers: check the link on the side. erotica readers and authors has great articles to improve writing.
never neglect crappy porn sites when stuck for a plot.
erotica writers can pick up writing tip just about anywhere.

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